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What Are Your Prices?

We have 3 tier options available, and all of our tiers include full nutritional guidance, workout plans for both in and out of the studio, and contact with your personal trainer outside of your PT sessions, to help you stay on track. Our prices range from £160 - £330 per month, depending on how many PT sessions you would like each week (minimum 1 hour each week). Payment is taken every 4 weeks, we don't do pay as you go. There is also a £40 set up fee included in your first payment. To find out more please get in touch.

The PT Space Earl Shilton Personal Trainer
The PT Space Earl Shilton Personal Trainer

What Are Your Terms & Conditions?

There is currently no minimum sign up time in the studio, however, we don't accept applications from those who aren't 100% committed to the service. We want to work with people who are ready to get serious about their health and fitness. This is not a short-term solution.

Further T&C's regarding last minute session cancellations will be explained to you when you come for your free consultation.

Do You Offer Discounts? Or Partner And Group Sessions?

The studio is for 1-2-1 PT only, and we don't offer discounts or run sales for new clients. We believe the service we offer is priced appropriately and is fair for both client and PT. Your health and fitness is an investment and, if you put in the required work, you'll very quickly see a return on that investment.

The PT Space Earl Shilton Personal Trainer
The PT Space Earl Shilton Personal Trainer

What Happens After My Free Consultation?

There is absolutely no obligations to sign up for further sessions after your consultation. If you decide it isn't for you, you'll never hear from us again, unless you reach back out to us. There's nothing to lose, so come reach out to us here and start up the conversation!

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